Friday 30 November 2012


It was a great loss to our famiy and relatives as well as to his friends and collegues from Mediacorp. He was a great uncle and an amazing cameraman.
He passed on yesterday morning around 2.30am.


I may not know the process of the afterlife and i may not know the feeling when you're at close to death. But i do know that :

" He had been given a wonderful gift: life. Sometimes it was cruelly taken away too soon, but it's what you did with it that counted, not how long it lasted. "

Every living thing living on this Earth will eventually die.  

    But always bear in mind that............

 Even if it hurts, you gotta know that...
So...cherish your loved ones that are still breathing around you now. 

"NO one can definitely say that he will still be living tomorrow. "


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